corona virus is way deadlier than flu
That's a simplistic way of looking at it. Yes, the numbers are higher but not the PERCENTAGES, that's what it's all about. Also, symptoms and affected demographics remain the same.
why are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
corona virus is way deadlier than flu
That's a simplistic way of looking at it. Yes, the numbers are higher but not the PERCENTAGES, that's what it's all about. Also, symptoms and affected demographics remain the same.
why are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
Life is not going on
I'm talking about in the case of the taxis you just mentioned. During this 'stay at home' period most jobs are still considered "essential services", and most people staying at home are those who would be at risk from the flu anyway and would get a vaccine like they always do if they could: older people.
why are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
miss piggy was thrown out of the zoom meeting because she was showing to much cleavage.. her way out she grabbed the co's briefcase and gave him the finger. miss piggy jumped into her hot rod and is delivering all the co's secret documents to the neighborhood. you are on the email list, these documents are already in your email.
so just keep eating your buttered popcorn.2020-04-27--broadcasting meetings2020- information notice of broadcasting congregation meetings2020-notice of broadcasting2020-information on broadcasting congregation meetingspetra!.
Hi, please include me too if you can!
why are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
Because life goes on. As far as symptoms and mortality go, this is the normal flu under a different name, and people can't just stop their lives or even worse livelihood to avoid catching a cold.
i rode my bicycle to the corner gas station / convenience store.i couldn't find my regular mask - so - i i walked up to the young lady clerk, her eyes grewwide wide wider and she said:"that's a um very unique face mask you have there, sir.
"i grinned invisibly.
"yep, i actually made it from an old pair of purple boxer shorts.
You're MacGyver. My job is done.
i hope it's all clear now..
This is one of the cutest/funniest things I've ever seen 😅 Love it!
are they revered like the pope is to catholics??
back in the 1960s , fred franz and n.h knorr were the only men that counted.
after franz died, the governing body became more of an idolized entity.
Regular men who God is using, like prophets*
* except not inspired.
Many still simultaneously hold the belief though that the GB does is fact have a line to heaven and is dropping hints, such as the oft repeated idea of "in this latest talk they're trying to tell us that the end is so close."
Good JWs also view it as a privilege to give to them monetarily or to provide them with physical comforts like taking out to eat, green handshakes, etc. This is exemplified and encouraged in the JW song 'if you did it for them, you did it for me'.
their official web site says that national television stations and radio stations in africa were happy to broadcast the memorial and even other talks!!
JWs thrive on bad times. Whether it's the religious persecution in Russia (which is hitting EVERY denomination, not just JWs), war, natural disasters, etc. JWs need it because it fits their narrative. They've even come out and said that some of the most 'spiritualy dangerous' times were when things were better, for instance JWs who stayed 'faithful' through persecution took it easy when things became prosperous.
my sister sent me this text a few minutes ago.
what does she know about my relationship with jehovah?
it was followed up by a bunch of links to jw org problem is dialog is not possible her side is the only one to be heard.
Did she text you in the morning? Don't be surprised if she typed that message while in a Zoom service meeting.